About the Author
Hi! I’m Amanda. So glad you found me here in my cozy spot. Grab a cup of tea and I’ll introduce myself. (The fuzzy blankets are in the corner–help yourself!)
I am always happy to welcome new people into my “chosen family.”

If you’re looking for a place to belong and people to love you for who you are, you’ve found the right place! <3
I love spending time with my adult children (wahhh–please let me think they’re still little kids!) and my real-life hero. If I had to pick a few of my favorite things, they’d be trees, elephants, castles, tea, and traveling.
Books with heart, healing, and hope.

I love to write about complicated family dynamics, flawed characters who could be your friends, and healing hearts. But no matter how emotional the story may be, I pride myself on ending in the most uplifting way possible and maintaining hope through any hardship.
Know what else I love? Connecting with readers! So please sign up for my newsletter and find me on social media to stay in touch!